On the Ideals of Religious Moderation Institutes in Islamic Higher Education

This discourse is the role of the establishment of the Religious Moderation Institutes in PTKIN, which in this case study is the implementation of the role of RMB in three (3) PTKIN in Central Java; RMB Walisongo State Islamic University; Kudus State Islamic Institute; and Salatiga State Islamic University.

Indicators of the Success of Religious Moderation The success of Religious Moderation in the life of PTKI can be seen from the high level of four main indicators and several other indicators that are harmonized and interrelated, namely national commitment, tolerance, non-violence, and acceptance of tradition.

National commitment is characterized by acceptance of the principles of the nation and state based on Pancasila and the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia Year and the regulations under it.

Tolerance is indicated by respecting differences and giving others space to believe, express their beliefs, and express opinions, as well as appreciating equality and being willing to cooperate. Non-violence is indicated by rejecting the actions of a person or group that uses violent methods, both physically and verbally, in promoting the desired change.

Meanwhile, acceptance of tradition is meant to be friendly in accepting local traditions and culture in religious behavior, as long as it does not conflict with the main teachings of religion. As for the strategic issues and work programs

Conflict and violence with religious backgrounds

Extremist groups tend to want to make changes to the socio-political order of life by using verbal violence, terror, and physical violence to achieve their goals. Various series of violence ranging from threats of beheadings; violence against minority groups; inter or intra-religious conflicts; destruction of places of worship; suicide bombings in various regions in Indonesia show that intolerance and extremism are very serious problems in Indonesia. Acts of violence and intolerance arise from narrow religious understanding.

The expression of intolerant understanding is not only seen from religious expressions that tend to use physical violence, but also non-physical violence such as heresy accusations to individuals or groups of people who are different from their beliefs.

Conflicts and violence in the name of religion not only result in physical damage and casualties, but can also threaten the fulfillment of the constitutional rights of every citizen and threaten the continuity of Indonesia as a nation. Religious moderation is needed to protect the constitutional rights of every citizen as well as to maintain Indonesia.

Intolerance and exclusivism

The attitude of self-righteousness, blaming and condemning others who have different religious views is a religious behavior that has been very worrying in recent years. Extreme fanaticism towards the truth of religious interpretation is one of the causes of intolerance.

This intolerant attitude can lead to social exclusion of different individuals and groups. The phenomenon of shari'ah housing that develops in the community, the prohibition of people with different beliefs to live in harmony with the majority group, the rejection of other religious funerals and the formalization of religion in public policy shows the strengthening of exclusivism behavior in society.

This portrait shows that some people are increasingly closing the space for encounters between diverse identities which can result in violations of constitutional rights and social exclusion.

Low digital literacy, media literacy and instant culture

The rapid development of communication and information technology in the era of the digital industrial revolution 4.0 without being accompanied by literacy wisdom can trigger frictions in society that have the potential to disrupt social harmony and harmony.

The increasing use of gadgets and social media and instant culture in society, especially millennials, can lead to the strengthening of exclusivism and intolerant behavior. 

Exclusive and intolerant groups tend to utilize social media in spreading their religious interpretations. The dissemination is wrapped in a very interesting da'wah method that attracts the attention of the public, especially millennials. The instant culture in society makes them tend to seek information and learn religion through social media and the internet so that they are more easily exposed to radicalism amid the lack of counter narratives from moderate groups.

Radical religious content is easily consumed by the public. Objective explanations of religious interpretations are often defeated by subjective choices obtained from non-authoritative sources on the internet and social media.

Increased regeneration and indoctrination systematically and massively

Extremist groups target young people, especially students and students to be indoctrinated. Containers and spaces on campus such as mosques and musala are used as a means of recruiting and indoctrinating ideologies that are contrary to Pancasila so that intolerant groups are increasingly developing with structured, systematic and massive movements.

Globalization and migration have an impact on changing the values and roles of family and community institutions in children's education. The lack of role of these traditional institutions makes students and students more easily exposed and recruited by exclusive groups.

Therefore, Islamic Religious Universities are very important actors in instilling the values of religious moderation to students so that they are not exposed to radical behavior (Zainuddin 2016).

Identity politics

Tolerance is not only a matter of religion, but is also related to social and political aspects. Identity politics that has developed since the DKI election in 2017 and continued with the 2019 presidential election has resulted in an increasingly polarized society. Polarization in society is often followed by the spread of hate-speech in the name of SARA.

Hate speech is used as resistance and rejection of social, political, and economic conditions, especially institutional ideas that conflict with their beliefs. The rejection continues to force the will to change the situation towards another order because it considers the ideology it believes is superior. The hate speech has entered into practical political spaces that make polarization in society increasingly worrying.

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